Mind Spirit Soul

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When conversing with someone, look at their eyes!

I cannot emphasize that enough, it’s not just a body language etiquette thing.

But THE FACT is that you will see their soul.!

You’ll see their intentions, feelings, and how they are who they are.

By doing so, not only are you seeing what makes them trigger and react, but if you look deep enough, you’ll see the why (…to their triggers).

Then you can take your own calculations and think about what you’re gonna say to THAT<<. AND Not just reply back to their words. You’ll have deeper, and more connected conversations this way. You will be in the same level of mindset.

I’m not quite sure that everyone does it, but whoever I try to, many of them don’t communicate this way. No one speaks eye to eye these days.. It’s had a huge effect on our English language. We’ve lost a lot of depth and value.

I mean it’s all too professional you know. It’s all workspace language.

So - if you wanna also gain access to communicating in different languages, all you have to do is speak with your eyes and mouth.

I’ve traveled to so many nations, and have spoken with so many different kinds of people, that I can say that speaking the same language has no real effect on humans. We all understand those we want to understand, or can understand. And so many people are closed-minded because of this dilemma. They speak but do not really communicate.

And that’s why, our nation has lost its ability to sustain relationships, excel in diverse environments, and have the highest ‘‘loneliness’’ rate. Because we have no words to express emotional topics. I can’t sit here and reorganize the positioning of words in my sentences and it magically becomes a romantic or poetic tone. I can be poetic with stanzas, but there aren’t real poems in English (consisting of one or two sentences)… It’s a very standard language.

Versus if you take French or Turkish for example, especially Arabic, you can move words around, and make them so touching to the heart, ‘‘though English in will it like this sound.’’

I gotta say, I love being multicultural - it’s helped me so much. I truly can’t be grateful enough. Anywho -

Yeah, don’t worry about language with someone when you wanna conversate. Humans are perfectly capable of communicating just through our eyes.

Please, don’t be the one who doesn’t take this next step. (looking at someone’s eyes when conversing with them)

It’s okay to not be a basic customer when you approach cashiers, afterall they’re all people. We do not have to act like robots to each other - we aren’t the robots. And we don’t have to waste our valuable human time acting like robots to each other when the time for that will come anyway. But at least - let’s not do that to ourselves. It’s okay not to sound like a professional worker when speaking to your neighbors, or kid’s teachers. Just be normal!!! Say what’s on your mind, be kind! Be mindful, but joyful enough. Wear your heart on your sleeve.

Be forgiving, be conscious of what you’re being…

Didn’t think I was done, did you?

There’s more than just eyes.

Be aware of how you act back.

How you move, how you expose yourself, and show yourself.