Mind Spirit Soul

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Trauma Tall

When do the truest reflections take place?

When you have lived life through the ups and through the downs, you begin to find comfort in them. The rollercoasters are no longer wild. Height and skydiving is merely an experience you have already lived. Uncomfortable positions, become comfortable. You begin to seek comfort in the panic. And that becomes your home.

And in living life like this, you learn a lot about yourself. How you are to different people. How you treat people. How you are when you are upset, sad, depressed, and even happy. And because of this you begin to say ‘’That’s not something I would do’’ ‘’I wouldn’t do something like that’’

Think about it. Those are some strong statements. You really have to know and remember yourself in order to say such things.

So, that will bring you confidence, that you have never experienced before. The ability to back yourself up is an unmeasurable feeling.

It is a feeling which loves to be called upon. A feeling that enjoys standing up tall.

That feeling my friends, I call - Trauma Tall.

The way you become when you face the ugliest hearts, and the meanest faces- you begin to understand that no one can ever speak down upon you. That no one has the power to step over you. Your chin rests higher, your eyes look further, and your shoulders are pushed back, because to you - you can power through anyone. And that becomes a superpower.

Your body talks.

It’s in the way you speak- your tone and the speed. It is in the speed of your movement, the way you strut when you step down. The way your arms swing by your side, the way your chin looks up or down. The way your hair is pinned. The way you phrase your words. The way you smile, and let the vulnerability be seen through your eyes. It’s the way you scream when angry, the way you cry silently and resiliently. The way you are unbothered, of unimportant things.

Confidence- comes from self. And that comes from understanding yourself. Once you understand, once you acknowledge, and decorate who you are and what you have. The world will see you in the way you see yourself. But the way you see yourself, you have to figure out first.