‘‘You live and you learn’’

My mind goes to the days I pushed my head into my pillow, trying to scream but only whimpering.

Why god why?

How could you let your own creation which you sculpted with your own hands, go through this much pain?

I was truly ungrateful.

But as the moon passed its phases, and the clouds formed and deformed themselves, I finally saw, that you live through it, and you learn after. And the things you learn, the wisdom you gain, are incomparable to the quality of life you’ll get after.

I learned, that life is about thresholds.

The more you push through your threshold, the more you face and walk through the darkest nights of the soul, and the more you grow. I know you didn’t ask to grow, I know you didn’t even ask to be on this earth. But what if the tales are true? What if we were asked 77 times if we really wanted to be put in this world? And we said yes 77 times?

It changes, doesn’t it? Your entire perspective.

I’ll make this one a bit longer. I’ll tell you the stories of me facing my threshold.

One of many was the most recent. After breaking my leg, in the healing phase I learned that in order to go back to normal, I had to face the pain. I had to push to feel the hurt again, and again and again. And only through that process, the pain lessened, and I gained back strength.

When I was younger, I had a ‘‘better’’ life persay, but my outlook, my thoughts, my inner self was no better than I am right now. Right now I feel like because I’ve been through stuff, I’ve seen more - that I can now see a lot more clearly. Way clearer. I can sense and all. So if all the pain that I went through, helped me become who I am now? I appreciate it.

So trust, if you’re going through things that feel like its drowning you, just think ahead to the time for a few minutes, when the sun shines brighter than you’ve ever seen, when the moon comes closer to you than it ever has when the wind touches your skin in such a beautiful way. When the people near you are so genuine, its hard to imagine what you haven’t yet experienced, but please hear me when I say - there are so many beautiful and amazing moments you will experience. And however the measurement of the pain you’re going through now, the reward is TEN TIMES BETTER. I PROMISE YOU. Just Keep Going!


24 hour mindfulness


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