Autopilot mode

Once - randomly - I had a realization that I was constantly doing the same things. Constantly acting in a certain way. My behavior, moods, and thoughts had stayed in this way for longer than I could remember.

Then while working, I realized even my body had a routine. A constant need to walk there and here. It was the same, always.

Then I started paying attention to how I was at home. Sort of watching myself from the third person POV.

I saw that even at home I gave myself no time to express myself the way I used to.

Before I had been a person with curiosity, at the least I would sit on my computer and search for hours about endless subjects; conspiracies, ideas, poems, YouTube, DIY’s…

Or if I was given the chance of free time I would go out to rollerblade no matter what time it was. I would go for a ride on my bike, I would start a project, or write an article just for the heck of it on random philosophical ideas.

But now, I was seated, constantly following the same routine.

When I saw this, I couldn’t believe that we are so bound to get stuck in our bodies and their wants, that all we do is follow what our body wants to do.

When you disconnect from the soul, and the mind, you lose yourself in the process.

We have to remember that the frames we see, and feel are under our control. If we don’t like how we feel, we simply have to change our atmosphere.

Some things I do consistently to stay aware are listening to Ted Talks or meditating in my own head. Then to freshen up spiritually, I pray. Bringing forth to God what I’ve discovered in life, asking him to guide me in the path he sees best fit for me.

Faith can have a lot to pivot your autopilot mode lifestyle. It can bring more consciousness to your daily life. Could improve who you are. And instill in you the feeling of support, from your creator that everything will be okay. Therefore you will feel at ease, and peaceful, and still hold yourself accountable for the way you live life.

Do not get lost in the material that is being presented to you, always reflect. Always continue to question every side of the content.


And the result? Is limitless.


a note
