Language is everything
Over the past three years, I dedicated myself to self-reflection and bettering my inner self. I immersed myself in reading, writing, psychology, and observing everything around me. As I traveled and experienced different cultures, I realized the power of language. It is something we learn but becomes directly connected to our inner selves, reflecting our souls through words, phrases, and sentences. The way a person speaks reveals more than meets the eye, and is felt by the heart.
This realization led me to pay closer attention to the words I use and how I use them. I started to notice that certain words and phrases triggered different emotions within me and those around me. It made me more mindful of how I communicate with others.
Language has such a powerful impact on our lives and the way we interact with the world. It shapes our thoughts, beliefs, and actions. It's fascinating to think about how much of our inner selves are expressed through the words we choose to use.
I encourage everyone to take a moment and reflect on the language they use in their daily lives. Are you using words that reflect your true self? Are you communicating effectively with those around you? By being more mindful of language, we can deepen our understanding of ourselves and those around us, and create more meaningful connections.
For example, living in different countries, and speaking different languages, I notice the difference in thought in each language. Some tend to be more poetic, and emotionally in tune than others. English for example has the potential to be a beautiful language because the words could be used in so many ways. It is such a standard type of language, that by organizing the words a little differently, you can achieve a different sense to your sentence. However, still, it remains a standard language, lacking a way to express feelings and emotions. In many European languages, phrases have deeper emotions tied to them, which for some reason is so hard to achieve in English.
Language reflects your inner self. And is an easy way to give away to everyone, how you are, how you feel about yourself, and how you judge the world. Everyone speaks their judgments, in one way or another, and our thoughts are oftentimes formed by our judgment. So when you speak, the first thing that comes out of your mouth, and what it is about, is a huge telltale of the kind of person you are.
In some environments, the words you speak have less of a value. People have to read more into the experience of the person and oftentimes be more forgiving. There is more apology because there is more being said out of anger. Unnecessary words are used more frequently. In this way, a person diminishes their own value, by using poor language, paired with poor judgment.
In certain situations, the actual words spoken may not hold as much significance as the subtext or underlying message being conveyed. It is possible for someone to criticize you while using a compliment or express their anger while congratulating you in the same sentence. Therefore, it’s important to pay attention to the underlying meaning of what is being said rather than just the literal words being spoken.
And third, the most intriguing to me out of all. Is the language of silence. When a person chooses to stay silent, also says a lot. That silence should be recognized as language as well. One can say a mountain of words by just being silent at the right time. And I’ve recognized, that though some people are more straightforward, direct, humorous, or ‘‘that’s just the way they are’’, silence is a sign of wisdom and intellect. Conscious people are aware of the feelings of each person in their surroundings, therefore they choose what to say and what to hold back, whilst ignorance is blurting out whatever comes to mind, using your inner projections as a way to communicate, rather than being more thoughtful and working towards achieving betterment between the two communicators.
They say not to judge a book by its cover, but I believe that a cover can tell us a lot. While the book may contain many chapters and stories, the cover is also under the control of the author. And we have a choice with our words. It may be harder to control our actions, but if we read, listen, and observe more, we could create a world full of mindful people. People who can see beyond material possessions and worldly desires. Perhaps then our judgments, which we can't avoid, would be more positive, filtered, and closer to the truth that we all seek.