The hallow-ness in your chest and how to fix it

For years, and I mean years, I had a hallow sadness in my heart that wouldn’t go away.

It was fueled every day with sadness, it became the only thing I could focus on daily.

Of course, I would have my joyful moments, but… the emptiness just wouldn’t go away.

Until one day, I was by my window, talking to God, or myself.

I was speaking in a way that was so fluent.

I didn’t stutter. I knew exactly what I wanted to say, how I felt, and how to express it, when this had been a difficult thing for the majority of my life.

In that prayer, I realized that happiness is out of our control. The more you focus and think ‘‘why can’t I be happy’’ you wont be.

Instead, you must learn to replace that with gratitude. Being grateful for things you have, and then further to be grateful to God the Almighty for giving it to you. This will bring you more serenity, and joy.

Imagine, you wake up in the morning grateful to see that while you were away (in deep sleep), everything was kept in place, nothing came crashing down. You woke up seeing the sun beaming onto your face. Then you get up, grateful that you have been given another day by God.

I used to wake up thinking ‘‘oh man, its the morning already?’’

But now I realize, God wanted me to exist here one more day, and that for me is enough to make it the best I can.

Think about it, you could die in your sleep, or any other time, but if you were awoken, it isn’t by your will, but the will of God.

Once you understand this, and make that connection strong in your life, you’ll have a much happier life.

Yes, sometimes you’ll still feel alone, but you won’t feel empty.

Ever since I made this small decision, to just be thankful for the moments I am able to see, the children’s laughter I’m able to hear, or the thoughts I’m able to have, its been a blessing.

So, if you have the same hollow feeling in your heart, know this, it’s because you are missing faith, and God in your heart. Make room for him, and see how amazing everything turns out.


If youre in the depths - read this


Hear more than what you hear